Jostens provides a host of tools to help you create a truly memorable yearbook. Check out our best-in-class lesson plans, tutorials and classroom resources.
With some schools already selecting classes for next year, take a minute to think about yearbook staff recruiting. One of the most effective tools for building intereste can be found in promoting your positive class culture.
Show your school community exactly what it looks like to be on yearbook staff by involving them in the creation process, like McIntosh High School | GA. Staff posts allow students to learn more about what goes into making a yearbook and may decide that they want to be a part of it.
Glenbrook South High School | IL uses Meet the Editor posts to showcase members of their yearbook staff. These posts encourage leadership by spotlighting students and emphasizing a yearbook program that values the time, commitment and interests of its members.
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Building a strong yearbook program can be one of the most valuable things an adviser can do. And much of the work can't be done overnight, but rather cultivated over time. These resources can help you target some specific areas that will help you grow your yearbook program.