Graduation Essentials
Make Graduation Day as special as possible by customizing your ceremonial apparel in a way that’s right for you. Choose from caps, gowns, tassels and more.

High School Caps and Gowns
Commemorate your high school graduation with a traditional cap and gown. Choose from a variety of colors, or mix and match to suit your unique style.

K-8 Caps And Gowns
Celebrate your young achiever’s big day with a cap and gown in the same color — or let them mix and match. Available from Jostens Kinderkraft individually or in graduation packages.

Make your achievement official with a personalized diploma. Available in a variety of designs, this memento proudly displays your name, date of graduation and official certification of your choice.

Graduation Packages
Celebrate this major milestone with a complete graduation package. Featuring different combinations of stacked tassels, photo cards, class apparel and more, there’s an awesome bundle for every budget.

Graduation Announcements
Share your accomplishment with friends and family on a customized graduation announcement. From monogrammed photo cards to formal name cards, you can spread your news with style.

Complete Your Graduation
Want to make high school graduation extra special? Recognize it with a diploma, graduation announcement or a combination package containing cool class apparel, “thank you” notes and more.
How to Create the Perfect Homeschool Graduation Ceremony
Creating the perfect homeschool graduation ceremony is essential for marking a critical moment in a young adult’s life. Just because your child is homeschooled doesn’t mean your student should be deprived of the joy, pride, and celebration of a graduation ceremony.
Come up with your own homeschool graduation ideas and create a personalized celebration. Here’s how to get started.
Choose Your Location
Before you start thinking about homeschool graduation supplies, you need to decide where you’ll hold the ceremony. Some homeschool families choose to hold the event in their backyard, whereas others hire a venue like a church building.
It all depends on your budget and desires, as well as how many people you intend on inviting to the ceremony.
Make sure you send out inquiries in advance to ensure your desired venue isn’t already booked.
Prepare Homeschool Graduation Supplies
There are so many options, from homeschool class rings to a cap and gown. You don’t need to be an accredited school to access all the same supplies you’ll find at a conventional high school.
If you’re crafty, you might even decide to make your own homeschool class ring and diplomas. Take note that if you work with a certifying organization, they may provide further guidance on holding a ceremony.
Send Out Invitations
Homeschooling means you can hold your graduation ceremony at your leisure. Think about who you want to invite and when they’re most likely to be available.
It’s traditional to send out formal grad announcements, so create a guest list and send your invitations well in advance of the big day.
Organize Your Ceremony
Homeschooling parents often try to mirror a high school graduation ceremony as close as possible, but you don’t have to. Because you’re not following strict school guidelines, you can make the ceremony completely your own.
Some of the ceremonial aspects you’ll need to decide on include:
- Opening statements
- Music (Pomp & Circumstance by Elgar is the most traditional)
- How many speeches and who will give them?
- Where your student will sit
- Presentation of the diploma
- Ending ceremonies
Make sure you talk to your teen about what they want. Perhaps they’ll want you or another family member to speak, or they have a specific graduation wish list, such as a class ring for homeschool students.
Think about your student’s style and what they’ll want on their special day. There are no right or wrong answers on what you include within your ceremony.
Graduation Parties
Finally, your teen will likely be looking forward to their graduation party. It could be a formal dinner at a favorite restaurant or a short vacation at the beach or in the mountains. You can leave this as a surprise or ask your students how they would like to celebrate their graduation.
Don’t skimp on the graduation party. Every public high schooler has one, and your dedicated student has worked just as hard.
The Top Homeschool Graduation Supplies
Including special homeschool graduation supplies as part of your ceremony marks the significance of the event. Simple things like the homeschool cap and gown, class rings, and even a yearbook of photos from their senior year are all wonderful keepsakes to mark the process of moving onto bigger and better things.
Check out these top homeschool graduation supplies for your graduation ceremony.
Homeschool Class Ring
Ordering class rings for homeschoolers is as simple as commissioning rings for traditional high schoolers. There are plenty of retailers you can request a class ring for a homeschool kid from.
A class ring is a simple keepsake your teen can wear with pride. Create your own design or opt for a standardized class ring. Go modern or go trendy. It’s entirely up to you.
Homeschool Graduation Cap and Gown
The cap and gown is the height of tradition and dates back to 12th-century European universities. If you decide to opt for the homeschool cap and gown, stick with the traditional. Teach your teen how to wear it before the ceremony properly.
Remember, the tassel on the cap should hang on the right side before the ceremony. Your child will move it to the left when they receive their diploma.
Homeschool Graduation Announcements
The invitation is the formal graduation announcement sent in advance of the ceremony. It’s the height of tradition, and it enables family and friends who supported you along the way to feel as if they are a part of the proceedings.
Include a picture of your graduate to add an element of personalization to proceedings. Tradition also dictates that if you send a graduation announcement in the mail, your teen will receive a graduation gift in return.
Homeschool Diplomas
Diplomas are essential homeschool graduation supplies. You may be able to obtain a formal diploma if you are homeschooling as part of a certifying body. If you’re not, feel free to make your own.
Some states may even allow public schools to deliver homeschool diplomas. Some school districts in Pennsylvania, for example, have been authorized to provide these.
All you need is some parchment paper and a seal. Use a template and add in the relevant details. Diplomas are not just little memories of your teen’s time homeschooling. Most schools and colleges accept homeschool diplomas as valid proof of education.
Why Having a Homeschool Graduation Ceremony is Important
Why should you go to the trouble of preparing homeschool graduation rings and replicating the events of a traditional high school ceremony?
A graduation ceremony is an important event in any high schooler’s life. It recognizes all their hard work and the support they received along the way. These are the types of events your kids will remember forever.
The homeschool journey is just as arduous as any traditional high school. Homeschool graduation ceremonies are a critical moment of closure in those formative years. Your ceremony doesn’t need to include walking across a stage or formal speeches. Yet that official moment is there to honor them and yourself.
Even if you don’t want to have all the bells and whistles of a formal ceremony, you should still mark the occasion in a way they’ll remember for the rest of their lives.