Order your class yearbook, shop for your custom class ring, shop for your graduation needs, and show your pride with custom school apparel and gifts.
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Order Now“I’m so glad I didn’t buy a yearbook,” said no one, ever! Why wouldn’t your child want the important school memories with them forever? Here are just five of the best reasons to nab a yearbook for your student.
Oftentimes if we were given the opportunity to relive a memory, we would. And with a yearbook, you actually can! Flipping through pages of state championship wins, school traditions, friends and educators, brings your child right back to that time in their life. And the best part is, they can flip through the book whenever they want.
A local community is something we all love being a part of, whether it’s showing up for the big game, volunteering at a clothing drive, or driving a full car of kids to ACT prep. A yearbook is created around the community by students who are a part of it. And what makes that so special, is that the yearbook is displayed through their point of view.
We all know high school is a busy yet memorable time in a person’s life. Some days, you might only get two words out of your child. With the help of a yearbook, you’re able to sit down together and look at memories they made throughout the year — with your child walking you through their personal stories, moments and experiences that matter to them most.
Yearbook signing day is the best day. It’s a time for collecting signatures and stories that will be read and cherished — again and again. Spending signing day with classmates is a special kind of excitement. No student wants to be left out on that day, so allow yours to join in on all of the fun!
Senior quotes are oftentimes the funniest, yet most memorable part of the yearbook. Senior quotes can be based off of songs, or a thank you or shoutout to an educator. They may also be memorable stories from the year, a tribute to a friend or relationship, and/or a personal quote — all of which represent your favorite student of all, your child.
With a Jostens yearbook, you’re able to treasure the names, faces and events that make this time so special.